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Top 5 Africa Present Events 2014

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Are you interested to learn more about Africa's current events? If so, then you have arrived at the right place. Follow current events in Africa via the African Studies Program Facebook page. This page highlights the most important news and achievements on the continent. This page contains information that will help you learn more about Africa, its people, and the places they live. Here are some of the most important African current events in 2014.


COVID is a very serious issue in Africa. This is due to the difficulty of managing the pandemic because of the weak health care system in the region as well as the high prevalence of the disease. Experts foresee dire consequences of a COVID-19 outbreak. COVID-19 currently has no treatment. Consequently, many countries in Africa have taken precautionary measures such as social distancing and community containment.

These statistics are however not encouraging. Since October 30, the number average of COVID deaths per million Africans has increased. South Africa and Egypt reported the first cases of the virus. The virus has now spread to many other African countries. The highest numbers of cases have been reported in South Africa and Morocco. The most fatalities have been reported in Chad (Sudan) and Burkina Faso (Burkina Faso).

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Food insecurity

As African economies stagnate and urban population grows, food insecurity has become a major development issue. 8.1% of Africans are not covered under social protection programs and 7.1% of the population, mainly children and women, receive some form of social security. Many people have died as a result of food insecurity. Africa must create an environment which attracts investment and creates job opportunities. Investors also need security. Foreign investors cannot make large investments in conflict-torn zones if there is no security.

A recent pandemic exacerbated the problem. While livestock and agriculture have been an option for the urban poor, the current pandemic has highlighted the fragility of Africa's food system. The year 2021 offers a chance to make progress on this problem. It will host several significant global meetings, including a UN Food Systems Summit, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UN Biodiversity Conference) and a UN Food Systems Summit. This year offers a unique opportunity for the world to come together in order to reach common goals for reducing food insecurity.

Coastal degradation

Africa's sustainable developmental goals face a serious threat from coastal erosion. The current state of the coastal ecosystems could lead to sea levels rising by as much 100 cm by 20100. This will have devastating consequences for people living along the coast, and businesses. This problem will be made worse by climate change which will increase sea level rise. This is a significant issue as it could have an impact on water supplies and food supply, as well negatively affecting the socio-economic status in coastal communities.

The cost of repairing West Africa's coasts has been more than $3.8 million in the last year. Coastal degrading is costly for local economies. It causes significant displacement in many communities. According to estimates, coastal erosion costs local economies $3.8 billion per year. The most effective solution to limiting the damage caused by coastal erosion is prevention. As hard engineering solutions often have unintended effects, coastal ecosystem restoration must be considered in all its aspects.

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The African continent is now one of the most vulnerable to SARS due to the increasing number of cases. The continent has taken severe measures to fight the disease. It has closed its borders and suspended air travel. South Africa was the country that had the most cases. It announced an unprecedented 21 day lockdown. Nigeria, however, has closed its international airports from Lagos and Abuja due to restrictions on travel from COVID-19 members.

Three lineages of the SARS-CoV-2 virus are found in South Africa. These three lines made up approximately four-fifths (or five-fifths) of all infections during the first wave. C lineage has the newest and most common, with 16 nucleotide modifications and an amino acids change in spike protein (D614). During the KwaZulu-Natal Province epidemic, the early South African-specific lines became extinct.


How do you move forward with exercises?

If you don't do this, you can't make progress. So here's how.

Pick an exercise you've wanted to do for a long time.

Next, break it up into smaller chunks. For example, if you'd like to improve your writing skills, select three short paragraphs (or, even better, two) and spend time working on each.

Now go back to the original task and divide it into those smaller tasks. If you find it difficult to finish any of them, take a moment and reflect on why. Is there a reason why you haven’t started? Are you waiting to find inspiration? Perhaps you procrastinate because you are afraid of the entire project. Whatever your case, get it resolved immediately. Don't let it fester.

Move on to the next section once you have completed the previous chunk. Keep repeating this process until you've done the entire project.

The same goes for weight loss. The best way to lose weight is to break it down into small pieces. Each day, you will only need one.

This will allow you to stay focused and motivated.

So now you know everything about fitness! But what do you do?

Well, first thing's first: Get moving!

How many days per week should I exercise?

When it comes to exercise, we often hear that there is no "one size fits all" approach to fitness. It's because different exercise types have different effects on our bodies. Therefore, it's important to find the right activity for your body.

For example, someone who is very active may do better working out three times per week, while someone who isn't much of a physical athlete might do the best sticking to two sessions per week.

Find an activity that is enjoyable and works for you. If you enjoy your workout, you'll stick with it more consistently.

Here are some suggestions to help you choose the activities that you want to include in your weekly schedule.

Start slowly - Do not jump into a full-blown fitness program. Start slow with 10 minutes each of strength training and cardio. By doing this, you won’t feel overwhelmed when you add more sessions later.

Be creative! Try different intensities and exercises to discover what makes you feel the most comfortable. Mixing running with biking, swimming or yoga is one way to get your cardio moving. You can also add resistance bands or kettlebell swings to improve your lifting ability.

Make it enjoyable - Find fun ways to make your workouts more entertaining. Take advantage of indoor equipment such as treadmills or elliptical machines. You can create your own workouts by incorporating your favorite songs, podcasts, or music.

If you are feeling ambitious, you might want to join a local gym. You can take classes for free and use their facilities. You will also be able to connect with other people with similar interests and meet others like-minded people.


Find balance - It's important to strike a good balance between rest and activity, so you don't overdo it. Be sure to allow yourself adequate rest between workouts.

Do not do too much at once. Instead, you can spread out your workouts across the week so they don’t all happen at once.

When you maintain balance, you'll feel more relaxed and energized.

How to improve your exercise routine

For any type of workout, consistency is key. That means sticking to it consistently, day after day, week after week. Your body will eventually adapt to you and you will be able lose more weight and gain more calories.

Although you may have heard this advice before it isn't applicable to your daily life. For example, if you go out to eat once a month, you'll lose weight faster than someone who goes out four times a week.

This is because your metabolism does not slow down when you eat regularly. This is logical. Because your body knows it has food at its disposal, it will keep storing fats instead of burning them.

An analogy that works better is to have an alarm set to wake up every morning. If you leave it on for a few days, you'll feel more awake and sleep better.

This is why it's important to eat healthy and keep active throughout the day. Even if it's late at night, you won’t be hungry. Waiting until nightfall to have dinner will make you hungry and cause you to crash.

The same principle applies for fitness routines. Don't make excuses; stick to them consistently. You'll start to see the results sooner than expected.

To add variety to your workouts you can use different weights each day. You could, for example, alternate between using two dumbbells of 5 lb and one dumbbell of 10 lb. You could do three sets with a 10lb barbell for five repetitions, and then switch to single reps with the 25lb plate.

You can also mix it up. You don't have to do back squats and lunges or pushups. Instead, you can alternate these exercises: leg lifts and squat jumps.

Variation in your cardio can be a good option. Alter your speed (fast, moderate or slow) and the incline of your treadmill.

How to Lose Belly fat in just 3 days

Belly fat is a side effect of ageing. However, losing belly fat has never been easier. Here's how...

First, it is important to understand why stomach fat happens naturally. The metabolism slows as people age.

This results in them burning fewer calories every day. Because they burn less calories, they also store more fat.

Second, understand why most diets fail. Most diets only aim to decrease calorie intake.

It works temporarily. These diets can be stopped and you will regain the weight you lost.

Third, you need to understand why certain exercises work. The right exercises will help reduce belly fat, but only if you perform them consistently.

Here's how to get rid belly fat

  1. Start by eating healthy. It is important to eat enough protein, fiber, water, and other nutrients.
  2. Follow a low-calorie diet. Avoid counting calories. Instead, track your macros.
  3. Exercise every day. Three times per week, do cardio activities like running, cycling, swimming, and so on.
  4. Use natural remedies. You can use apple cider vinegar or flaxseed oil, green juice, aloe vera gel, or turmeric.
  5. Drink plenty of water. Don't skip meals. You should eat small meals throughout the day.
  6. Sleep enough. Sleep at least 8 hours each night.
  7. Reduce stress levels. Find ways to relax.
  8. Be patient. If you stick to the above steps, you can easily lose belly fat over time.
  9. Keep yourself motivated. It takes 21 days before you can form new habits. You'll soon see the results if you make a commitment to changing your lifestyle.

What are the best exercises?

There are two types of exercise, those that strengthen muscles and those that improve flexibility.

The former increases strength while the latter improves suppleness. Push-ups, pullups, and even chin-ups can be used to increase muscle mass. For increased flexibility, you can do pilates or yoga.

However, fitness doesn't depend on how often you exercise. It only matters that it is done regularly. Make a commitment to spend 15 minutes a day walking, running, swimming or doing any other activity that suits you.

Exercise will make you feel more energetic and less tired. That way, you'll have plenty of motivation to keep going.

It is consistency that counts when it comes exercise. It takes 21 days for a habit to develop. That means, even if you work out only one hour per week, it will still take at least 20 hours to build a consistent fitness routine.

The goal isn’t to do 30 minutes of exercise per day. You should feel motivated and ready to tackle the world after a good workout.

How can I make exercise a part my daily routine?

It is essential to exercise. We spend countless hours working out and feel better when we do. But sometimes, we find ourselves stuck in a rut and can't seem to break out of it.

The problem seems to stem from the fact that we've been conditioned to associate exercise with punishment rather than reward. Instead of viewing exercise as a way that improves our health, we see it as a chore and makes us tired.

This doesn't mean we should not do it. There are many ways that we can incorporate exercise into our daily lives without feeling guilty.

Instead of considering exercise as a punishment, treat it as a means to achieve a goal. For example, you might run five miles daily as part of your morning workout. Or, you might opt to walk for thirty-five minutes after dinner.

No matter what goals you have for yourself, once you make a commitment to them, you won’t be tempted to skip workouts. Instead, you'll enjoy exercising because it will help achieve your goals.

This approach is far more effective than just trying to fit exercise into your busy schedule. When you focus on achieving a goal, you'll naturally devote more time to exercise.

You might also think about setting aside a portion to purchase the equipment you will use in your home fitness center. You could buy dumbbells, weight-lifting machines, resistance bands or other tools that will help you reach your fitness goals.

You might buy a treadmill and running sneakers if your goal is to lose weight. You could also invest in weights or a bench press machine if you are looking to tone up.

This is the key: Don't be too focused on the equipment. Instead, look at how it can be used to achieve your goals.

You can still exercise outside even if your home doesn't have a gym. Although you may not be able take long walks initially, you will eventually gain the stamina and strength necessary to tackle longer distances.

Of course, you'll need to pay attention to where and how far you're going. Avoid stepping on sidewalks and other obstacles.

Be sure to wear the right clothing. Wear appropriate clothing when you are out and about. You should wear something that you can move in. Don't forget your sunscreen, no matter what you wear!

You'll quickly discover how easy it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle when you combine these tips and basic nutrition principles. It's quite easy.

Follow these simple guidelines to ensure your health for the rest of your life.


  • The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend keeping added sugar intake below 10% of your daily calorie intake, while the World Health Organization recommends slashing added sugars to 5% or less of your daily calories for optimal health (59Trusted (healthline.com)
  • In fact, up to 80% of premature heart disease and stroke can be prevented through your life choices and habits, such as eating a healthy diet and being physically active. (heartandstroke.ca)
  • Avoid fruit juice, even when it is 100% fruit juice. (heartandstroke.ca)
  • Extra virgin olive oil may benefit heart health, as people who consume it have a lower risk of dying from heart attacks and strokes, according to some evidence (57Trusted Source (healthline.com)

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How To

What are 12 healthy habits?

Eat when you are hungry. If you feel like eating, you will eat more. When we are hungry, the body determines how much energy it will need for the day. We eat accordingly.

There are two types of hunger, physical and emotional. The feeling of empty after eating is called physical hunger. Emotional hunger refers to the desire for food. It can be a powerful urge, even though it may seem odd.

Emotions are powerful motivators. We can follow our emotions but ignore rational thinking. Emotions are often used against you.

There are two types of hunger: emotional and social. People feel hungry if they don't eat well. Oder they eat too much.

Remember, we cannot force our bodies to eat. We can manage our emotions and make sure we don't become hungry.

Healthy habits help us to stay mentally and physically fit. Healthy habits improve our quality of life.

  1. Eat breakfast. This gives you energy to last the day. A balanced diet makes you feel better. A balanced diet can help reduce stress levels.
  2. Regular exercise is beneficial for your mental well-being. It can reduce stress, anxiety and depression. It increases self-esteem.
  3. Drink lots of water. It keeps your skin soft, supple, and healthy. Your hair will be healthier and more shinier. It prevents hair from drying out.
  4. Sleep enough - It is important to get at least 7 hours sleep each night. Lack of sleep causes fatigue and irritability. It affects concentration and memory.
  5. Manage Stress - Managing stress is essential to happiness and productivity. Relaxation is key. Take breaks from the office. Take walks or meditate. Find something fun and different to relieve stress.
  6. Get a good night of sleep - It is vital for your overall health. It helps with weight loss and immunity.
  7. Get active - Being active can help you lose weight and keep it off. It strengthens bones and muscles. It lowers stress levels and improves moods.
  8. Keep hydrated - You should drink plenty of fluids. Dehydration leads to headaches, nausea, and cramps. It can also slow down metabolism.
  9. Maintain a Balanced Lifestyle - Eating well means eating in balance. It's about getting all the nutrients you need, but not overdoing them. Avoid junk foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables are better.
  10. Stay Organized. Keeping your life organized is key to success. It saves you time and money.
  11. Read Books: Reading books increases your vocabulary as well as knowledge. It also helps you think creatively.
  12. Spend Time with Family - Spending quality time with loved ones is vital. It can improve relationships. It can help you set goals.
  13. Have Fun - Having fun is important. It makes you happier and more optimistic. It also improves creativity.


Top 5 Africa Present Events 2014